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Year: 2019

Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer in Just 25 Minutes a Day!

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Because of this, it is no surprise that much research has been done to discover how women can reduce their risk of development.

Did you know that with just 25 minutes of physical activity a day your risk of developing breast cancer decreases? Sounds easy enough, right? Notice we said physical activity and NOT exercise! The word “exercise” can seem intimidating. But, being physically active doesn’t have to involve weights, treadmills or mile-long runs. Any activity that makes you breathe a little harder and gets your body warmer will help reduce your risk. Across numerous studies, evidence has shown that there was a 25% average breast cancer risk reduction amongst physically active women as compared to lesser active women. 

So how can you get moving? Everyday tasks can count as physical activity, like gardening and washing the car. Or, devote more time in your day to active hobbies you enjoy, like swimming, tennis, yoga or dance! The American Cancer Society recommends that all adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate intense activity a week. At just 25 minutes each day, you are exceeding this recommended amount.

In addition to just 25 minutes of physical activity, you can also get moving by taking small steps each day, like:

  • Using the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Parking farther away from the store
  • Taking your pet for a longer walk
  • Using a stationary bike or treadmill while watching TV

You may be wondering how being physically active can reduce your risk for breast cancer. Physical activity helps to maintain a healthy body weight, which decreases the risk of cancer development after menopause. It is also thought that physical activity helps to regulate hormones including insulin and estrogen and keeps the immune system healthier. By improving your immune system through exercise, a woman’s body will also be more effective at killing or slowing the growth of cancer cells.

Not only can physical activity decrease the risk of breast cancer, it can also improve your long-term health and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress and depression, and improve mood.

Remember, it is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle! In fact, studies have shown that women who increase their physical activity after menopause may have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who do not. So, no matter your age it is important to add physical activity to your lifestyle today. Start slow and gradually build up the amount of physical activity you do.

At Greenville Women’s Care, we are committed to encouraging women of all stages of life to lead a healthy and active lifestyle! To learn more about breast cancer risks and for regularly scheduled mammograms, contact us today!

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month – Know the Signs and Symptoms

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and Greenville Women’s Care would like to make you aware of the signs and symptoms of this disease.

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that may have multiple causes and it may begin in the ovary or adjacent structures including the Fallopian tube and lining of our abdominal cavity.  A woman’s reproductive system contains  two ovary and Fallopian tube, one on each side of the uterus in the pelvis. Each ovary is about the size of an almond and produces hormones and eggs (ova) for the purpose of our female composition and reproduction.  Your ovaries also produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The Fallopian tube is the tube or “conveyor belt,” if you will imagine that transports the egg to meet the sperm and travel back to the uterus for implantation.  The Fallopian tube serves no other purpose. 

Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until it has spread within the pelvis and abdomen because there is not yet a perfect test, like a mammogram for breast cancer screening, to detect it early.   Late-stage ovarian cancer is more difficult to treat. When the cancer is confined to the ovary, early-stage ovarian cancer, it is likely to be treated more successfully.  The best chance of catching this cancer in its early- stages is to know your body well and to have regular exams with your Gynecologist.  There are different types of ovarian cancer and each usually present at different age groups.  No matter the type of ovarian cancer, it is generally treated with surgery and chemotherapy.

Types of Ovarian Cancer

Your ovaries are made up of three main types of cells and each can develop into a different type of tumor. The type of cell where the cancer begins is the type of ovarian cancer you have. The three types include:

  • Epithelial tumors. These start in the thin layer of tissue on the outer surface of the ovary. Most, about 90%, ovarian cancers are epithelial tumors. 
  • Germ cell tumors. These start from the cells that produce the eggs (ova). This rare ovarian cancer tends to occur in younger females. 
  • Stromal tumors. These start from the structural tissue that produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These tumors, about 7%, are usually diagnosed at an earlier stage. 

Benign tumor s(non-cancerous) don’t spread beyond the ovaries. Benign tumors are treated by either removing the ovary or removing the part of the ovary that contains the tumor. Malignant (cancerous) tumors can metastasize (spread) to other parts of the body and can be fatal.  It must be treated. 

Signs & Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Early-stage ovarian cancer rarely causes any symptoms. Women are more likely to have symptoms when the disease has spread beyond the ovaries. However, most of these symptoms are likely to be caused by other conditions, and most of them occur often in women who don’t have ovarian cancer. 

Some of the signs and symptoms include:

  • Bloating
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Trouble eating or feeling full quickly
  • Urinary symptoms, such always feeling like you have to go or having to go often
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Back pain
  • Pain during sex
  • Change in bowel habits, such as constipation
  • Menstrual changes
  • Abdominal swelling with weight loss

Symptoms caused by ovarian cancer are typically more persistent and are a change from normal – meaning they occur more often and are more severe.   It is important to know your body well and if any unexplained symptoms persist for an extended period of time, see your Gynecologist. 

Causes of Ovarian Cancer

It’s not clear what causes ovarian cancer, however physicians have identified several factors that can increase the risk of the disease. Generally, cancer begins when a cell develops mutations in its DNA. The mutations tell the cell to grow and multiply quickly which creates a tumor of abnormal cells. Those cells continue living as healthy cells die. The abnormal cells can invade nearby tissues and break off from an initial tumor to metastasize in the body.

Risk factors of Ovarian Cancer

Factors that can increase your risk of ovarian cancer include:

  • Beginning menstruation at an early age     or starting menopause at a later age, or both, may increase your risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Infertility or never having children or having them at a later age
  • Pelvic conditions like endometriosis
  • Older age. Although ovarian cancer can occur at any age, it’s most common in women 50 to 60 years of age.
  • Inherited gene mutations. A small percentage of ovarian cancers are caused by gene mutations inherited from your parents.  We have now learned of several genetic mutations and a blood test is available to determine if you are a carrier. 
  • Personal history of breast cancer
  • Family history of ovarian cancer. Woman who have two or more close relatives with ovarian cancer have an increased risk of the disease.

Prevention of Ovarian Cancer

There’s no guaranteed way to prevent the disease, however there may be ways to reduce your risk:

  • Consider taking birth control pills as a means for menstrual manipulation to protect your ovaries.  Ask your gynecologist whether this approach may be right for you.   A birth control pill places your ovaries into a dormant state and is thought to be protective of the ovary to stop ovulation.  This is how it protects one from pregnancy.  When a woman is not on birth control, each month ovulation occurs and the egg bursts out of the ovary.  This process creates a small scar.  The scar is thought to be one of the many causes that could set of the ovarian cancerous process overtime.   Women who therefore ovulate monthly are at increased risk.  A birth control pill much like pregnancy prevents the ovary from being able to ovulate and therefore protective.   Oral contraceptives do have risks, so you should discuss whether the benefits outweigh the risks with your gynecologist.
  • The other method to reduce your risk resides with the Fallopian tube.  When one no longer desires future fertility, this structure can be removed.  It is recommended to be considered at time of permanent sterilization, like a tubal ligation, or at a hysterectomy.  Evidence shows that removing the entire Fallopian tube may be protective.  It is believed that the more aggressive ovarian cancers may not start in the Fallopian tube and not the ovary.  This operation is called an opportunistic salpingectomy.  It is not recommended to have this surgery for this reason alone.    Surgery comes with many risks and evidence has not yet confirmed this should be the sole reason for a surgery to warrant the risk of having surgery.  It is recommended however to be done when one is already having surgery for other reasons, hence the opportunistic consideration. 

Whether you’re worried about developing ovarian cancer, making decisions about treatment options, or trying to stay well after treatment for ovarian cancer, the physicians and staff at Greenville Women’s Care do care and are here to help!

Top Pregnancy Apps

For expectant mothers, pregnancy can be an overwhelming time in their life. There is a lot of information to absorb, like what types of food to avoid, how to stay fit while pregnant and how to prepare for baby’s arrival. In addition to the expertise from your obstetrician, there are many smartphone apps that can help mothers-to-be navigate the world of pregnancy. With the click of a button, you can track your pregnancy and get valuable information about your baby’s development.

Below are several of our top picks for FREE pregnancy apps.

Ovia Pregnancy Tracker and Baby Calendar (available on iTunes and Google Play)

Developed by Harvard scientists, pregnancy specialists and fit moms, the Ovia app has a high-tech, personalized approach to tracking your pregnancy and your baby’s development. This app connects with FitBit, which allows you to easily track your weight, sleep, symptoms, moods and more. Receive feedback completely tailored to you! All information is based on where you are in your pregnancy, BMI, age, personal goals and health data. As your baby grows, you can use the kick counter and contraction timer. Connect with other mothers in a private, anonymous community where you can share experiences.

Totally Pregnant (available on iTunes and Google Play)

Totally Pregnant was created by real mothers who have been where you are. This community of moms have gathered information that is tailored to your location, stage of pregnancy and needs. Personalize your experience by entering your name and due date. Watch 3D videos showing you the development of your fetus as your bump grows. Sign up and attend prenatal and birth classes online through the app. Shop for all the products you need during your pregnancy and for the first few months after you give birth. Join discussion groups and be supported by a community of Totally Pregnant moms.

What to Expect – Pregnancy & Baby (available on iTunes)

From the world’s most trusted pregnancy brand, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, this app guides you through pregnancy hour-by-hour. You’ll receive the latest parenting news and health information based on your due date. Find the right support group for you based on location, interest, medical condition, parenting style and more. Get the tools and support you need to help you prepare and feel in control every step of the way. Once your baby is born, you’ll get answers, advice and guidance as you navigate life as a new parent.

Baby Names (available on iTunes and Google Play)

One of the toughest decisions expectant parents face is what to name their new baby boy or girl. The Baby Names app by Sevenlogic is packed with more than 30,000 names and compiles suggestions in an easily sortable list. Check name popularity, meaning, origin and pronunciation all in one place. Save and rate your favorite names and share by email and Facebook for feedback from trusted family and friends.

There’s an app for everything these days, including pregnancy. They can offer a place for you to track your pregnancy, learn more about motherhood and connect with other pregnant women. Although, the internet and available apps are a great source of information they are not a replacement for prenatal care.  The information these sources provide isn’t specific for your own health and pregnancy.  The physicians and staff at Greenville Women’s Care remind you to always consult your obstetrician about anything that you read or even bring in articles to discuss how they could apply to you and your baby.

Preventing Vaginal Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are fairly common. If you’re like three-quarters of women, you’re likely to get at least one during your lifetime, and fifty percent are likely to get two or more.

More times than not, a yeast infection is due to an overgrowth of Candida. Candida is a type of yeast that occurs naturally on the skin. Yeast is part of the fungi family and, in normal amounts, is harmless.

Women are more likely to get a vaginal yeast infection when they:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have a weak immune system
  • Are taking an antibiotic
  • Have diabetes
  • Use vaginal sprays or douches
  • Take birth control with high doses of estrogen

It’s not possible to completely prevent a yeast infection, but here are some things you can do to prevent your chances:

  • Wear breathable underwear and change it regularly. We recommend cotton as it doesn’t hold heat or moisture, and it tends to keep you drier.
  • Wear loose clothing. Tight jeans, skirts, underwear, yoga pants, tights, pantyhose, etc. can raise your body temperature and the amount of moisture and friction around your private parts. These things can increase your chances for a yeast infection.
  • Change out of wet clothes, specifically this time of the year, wet bathing suits. When possible don’t sit in a wet bathing suit or gym clothes after working out, try to change into dry clothes right away.
  • Hot and damp are not a girl’s best friend. Avoid hot tubs if possible, but if you indulge change into dry clothes as soon as possible.
  • When using the bathroom, always wipe from front to back. Doing this will help prevent microorganisms from being pushed into the vagina or introduced into the urinary tract.
  • We don’t recommend douching. Feminine hygiene products like this can alter the balance of bacteria in your vagina by removing bacteria that is there to prevent infections.
  • When using feminine products, skip the scents. This includes soaps, sprays, bubble baths, tampons, and pads. Again, this can disturb the balance of bacteria in your vagina; and, cause a yeast infection.
  • Change tampons, pads and liners frequently when you’re on your period.
  • If you have diabetes, manage it. Be sure to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and keep them under control.
  • Use antibiotics only when prescribed and when needed. You shouldn’t take them for a cold, because they won’t do anything for a virus.

Keep in mind, some people are more prone to yeast infections than others. If you are more susceptible here are some additional things to keep in mind, specifically if you have a yeast infection:

  • Avoid sexual activity. Yeast infections can be passed back and forth, and they can also be transferred to other areas of the body.
  • Wash certain garments regularly and in hot water using a gentle detergent.
  • Eat foods that help balance your microflora in the body, such as yogurts containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, a type of natural probiotic.

Even with preventive efforts, you can still get a yeast infection. So, how do you know when to give Greenville Women’s Care a call? You should consider calling for an appointment if:

  • This is your first infection,
  • Your symptoms won’t go away, and you’ve tried an over-the-counter product,
  • You have recurrent infections,
  • You have unrelated symptoms and finally,
  • You’re not sure if you actually have an infection.

Osteoporosis – Preventable & Treatable

Osteoporosis is a condition of fragile, brittle bones, and if not prevented or treated, can lead to easily breaking a bone like your rib or hip after a fall.  Osteoporosis is a health threat for millions of Americans. It is estimated that 10 million people have the condition and over 30 million others have low bone mass, also known as osteopenia, placing them at risk for osteoporosis.

Although osteoporosis is more common in older people, and is thought of as an older person’s disease; it can strike at any age. Everyone loses some bone density (mass) as they age, however some will lose more, or lose it faster, than others.  The rate at which we lose bone density depends on hormonal status, medical conditions like thyroid disease and even diet. 

Approximately 80% of people affected by osteoporosis are women. This is due to the fact that women have lighter, thinner bones and can lose up to 20 percent of their bone density after menopause, which makes them more predisposed to the disease. A woman’s risk of osteoporosis is actually equal to her combined risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. Other risk factors for osteoporosis include:

  • older age
  • a family history
  • being petite and thin
  • certain ethnicities, such as Caucasian and Asian
  • a history of broken bones
  • a poor diet, especially low in calcium, Vitamin D or if drinking numerous carbonated beverages
  • low estrogen levels as in premature menopause or if ovaries are removed at a young age (< age 50)
  • an inactive lifestyle
  • smoking and excessive alcohol use
  • certain medications, conditions & diseases

Since you cannot feel your bones getting weaker, you probably will not know you have osteoporosis until you break a bone. If you have osteoporosis, you can fracture a bone from a minor fall, or in extreme cases, from a simple sneeze. Spinal fractures may first be felt or seen in the form of severe back pain, loss of height, or spinal deformities. In many cases, a spinal fracture can even occur with no pain.

Because 85-90% of adult bone mass is acquired by age 18 in girls and 20 in boys, building strong bones during childhood and adolescence can help to prevent osteoporosis later in life. Several steps that you can take to optimize bone health and prevent osteoporosis are:

  1. Get your recommended daily amounts of calcium and vitamin D
  2. Participate in regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise
  3. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol
  4. Talk to your physician about bone health
  5. If appropriate, have a bone density test and take medication.

The only way to diagnose and determine your risk for osteoporosis is a Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test.  A standard BMD screen is recommended at age 65 unless there are concerns sooner.  A BMD measures bone mass and is necessary to determine whether you need medication to help maintain your bone mass, prevent further bone loss and reduce fracture risk. A BMD is accurate, painless and noninvasive.

Since osteoporosis can be undetected for decades, sometimes not until a fracture occurs, early diagnosis is important. It is never too early or too late to start your prevention program, so consult your physician at Greenville Women’s Care to learn more about the prevention and detection of osteoporosis.

Preparing For A Visit To The Gynecologist

Whether you’re heading to the gynecologist for an annual checkup or to get help with a medical issue, there are several things you can do, or avoid, beforehand to make your visit as streamlined as possible. Having efficient and thorough appointments is important because many women use their OB-GYN as their primary care doctor.

1. Make sure you ask for the appropriate type of appointment.

Physicals can be quicker but if you are having concerns make sure you ask for adequate time with your doctor or ask for an additional problem visit another day.

2. Try not to schedule your appointment while you are on your period.

Many times a visit to the gynecologist will involve a pelvic exam, it is best to not be on your period for these exams. Blood may interfere with the results of tests, like a Pap test. Although, there are certain situations when making a visit on your period may be inevitable or necessary, for example if you have heavy or irregular periods. However, if you happen to be on your period during your scheduled appointment, do NOT cancel! While the situation may be a little ‘uncomfortable’ for you, remember it’s not for your OB-GYN – it’s what they do

3. Keep track of your cycle.

At some point during your appointment, your provider will ask you, “When was the first day of your last period?” Make it easier on yourself, and your gynecologist, by knowing the answer to this question. You can keep up with your cycle in a planner or in your phone, there are even period tracker apps!

4. Have health updates for your doctor.

It is important to tell your doctor about any medications you have begun or stopped taking. You should also note any changes in your health since your last visit. Bring up the “small” stuff too. Remember, the more your doctor knows about your health, the better! Don’t overlook family medical records, either. If your grandmother was just diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor should know. This will give your provider more information about your potential health risks, which will help give you a more thorough and focused checkup.

5. Come prepared with questions.

Do you ever think back on an appointment and kick yourself because you forgot to ask something you wanted to? Feel free to keep a list of questions for your provider. At Greenville Women’s Clinic we want to give women the knowledge and power to take control of their health.

6. There are certain things you should avoid doing before your appointment. 

It is advised to not have intercourse or douche before going to see your OB-GYN. Both can obscure or mask abnormal cells that the Pap test is screening for, which can lead to an erroneous result. You do not need to clean in any way outside of your normal routine before an appointment. You should be using a gentle cleanser daily.

While going to the gynecologist isn’t something many women look forward to, it is an important part of staying healthy. At Greenville Women’s Care, it is our goal to make every woman feel as relaxed as possible, no matter the reason they come to see us. Our doctors, nurses and staff are here to make sure you have a pleasant experience in our office. By following the above advice and with just a little preparation, you can help make your next appointment the most informative and productive yet! Are you due for your annual checkup? Call us today to schedule your appointment!