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Category: Greenville Women’s Clinic Blog

Everything You Need to Know About Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the 2nd deadliest cancer for women. However, thanks to an increase in research and better access to screenings, the death rate of cervical cancer has dropped by more than half. It is important to know your body, protect yourself, and spread awareness, so we have put together a list of everything you need to know about cervical cancer.

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer, the 4th most common cancer found in women, causes the cells of the cervix to abnormally grow. Cervical cancer can affect women of any age, with an average of 11,500 new cases being diagnosed each year. Typically, cervical cancer affects women between 35-44, with the average age being 50 years old. There are several types of cervical cancers, but the main two are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.

What causes cervical cancer?

There has been a lot of progress in research regarding cervical cancer. Risk factors that increase the odds of developing cervical cancer have been identified, including smoking, a weak immune system, and long-term use of oral contraceptives. The main cause of cervical cancer is the infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is spread from one person to another during skin-to-skin contact or sexual activity. Having a family history of cervical cancer can also put you at risk.

Signs of cervical cancer:

Symptoms of cervical cancer can vary depending on the case and the individual but often include spotting between periods, persistent back or pelvic pain, bleeding after menopause, a change in menstrual cycle, and pain during intercourse. Sometimes, these symptoms could be related to a different issue, so it is important to share anything new or unusual with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. In the early stages of cervical cancer, there are usually no symptoms, however, cervical cancer can be diagnosed by tests ordered by your doctor, including Pap tests, HPV tests, and colposcopy tests. The 5-year survival rate of cervical cancer when caught in the early stages is 92%.

How to reduce the risk:

There are several ways to reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer. We encourage you to avoid smoking, practice safe sex, and get the HPV vaccine. Another way to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer is to get a Pap smear regularly. A Pap smear checks for precancerous cells and can help to diagnose cervical cancer in the early stages when it is easier to treat.

Do not wait for symptoms to appear, schedule your regular check-up appointment with your provider at Greenville Women’s Care. Talk to your doctor about screenings, symptoms, and risk factors, and discuss what prevention steps or vaccines may be right for you.

Managing and Reducing Stress During the Holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner. What is supposed to be a festive and joyous time of year can actually cause more harm than good. For some, it brings too many plans, a lot of spending, and spreading yourself extremely thin. We have put together a list of ways to reduce and manage your stress, so you can feel the holiday cheer this year!

Plan Ahead and Set Realistic Expectations

There will be many holiday parties, events, and dinners to attend in the next few weeks. There will also be many gifts to buy, family and friends to visit, and menus to plan. The holidays come and go so quickly, and they can cause a lot of stress and anxiety if you don’t plan ahead. To stay on track and avoid over-booking, try using a calendar to keep track of events. This way, you don’t commit to too much and you can space out your obligations. It may also benefit you to remind yourself that there will be bumps in the road and not everything will turn out perfectly – and that’s okay!

Create a Budget

A major part of holiday-induced stress is overspending. Try making a budget this year to avoid the dread of maxing out your credit cards. Make sure to include gifts, food, and travel, and be sure to set a realistic spending limit. Also, consider different types of gifts that may be more meaningful and less expensive, like something handmade, or an experience.

Take Time for Self-Care

As busy as we get around the holidays, it’s important to do something for yourself that helps to calm you down and reduce your stress. Take the time to finish a book, take a bubble bath, get a run in, go to bed early, or enjoy a holiday treat. With seasonal obligations on top of the day-to-day work and home responsibilities, it is crucial to recharge and take a moment to yourself to put your best foot forward and enjoy the holiday season.

Delegate Tasks and Keep it Simple

We know it can be easy to get carried away when it comes to making plans, cooking, and getting gifts – but it doesn’t have to fall all on one person. Be sure to delegate when you can, either by going in on gifts with another family member, asking for help with the dinner menu, or even enlisting someone else to wrap presents. It is also important to keep it simple! You may feel like you have to provide an “over the top” holiday event or spend more to keep up with what everyone else is posting online. Remember, you only see the best parts on social media! Your family will recall the time spent together, not the extraordinary gifts.

Prioritize Your Health

Finally, we encourage you to keep your health in check this season. Keep your scheduled appointments, stay on top of vitamins and medications, and seek help if you need it. The holiday season, though exciting and joyful, can also be stressful, overwhelming, depressing, and triggering.

It is perfectly normal to feel down, but we suggest you talk to your physician if you’ve been feeling depressed or anxious for more than two weeks. We are available to discuss any aspects of your health – both physical and mental, contact us today to schedule an appointment with a provider, 252-757-3131.

Talk to Your Gynecologist About Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence (UI) happens when you have trouble controlling your bladder. You may experience incontinence if you have an urgent need to pee, or you may leak urine between trips to the bathroom. Many women will experience urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. It is a common problem, and women are twice as likely to suffer from bladder control issues than men. UI can be a temporary or a chronic problem, but it can often be cured or controlled.

Talking to your doctor about urinary incontinence can be embarrassing, but it is an issue you should feel comfortable discussing with your gynecologist.

Two Main Types of Urinary Incontinence

  1. Stress incontinence occurs when urine leaks as stress (or pressure) is put on the bladder. This could happen during regular exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing, or even lifting heavy objects. Any type of pressure or muscular contraction can cause leakage if a person has stress incontinence. Stress incontinence could be caused by weakening or damage of the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and urethra, which can happen during or after pregnancy.
  2. Urge incontinence, or overactive bladder, is a constant feeling of needing to urinate. The person with urge incontinence always feels like their bladder is full, even when it is not, and it often results in an accident before they can reach a bathroom. Some causes of urge incontinence include neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Diabetes, alcohol, and some diuretic medications can also cause urge incontinence.

Although having one or two incidents of urine leakage can be embarrassing, it is not a definite sign of urinary incontinence. However, if the problem continues to occur more frequently, and impacts your quality of life, you should make sure to discuss the situation with your gynecologist.

If you’ve been having incidents, you may want to keep notes about each of them – including days, timing, the amount (is it a little bit or a lot), frequency, and any activities you may have been doing, like lifting something, to share with your doctor at your appointment.

Causes of Urine Loss

Some women develop urinary incontinence during pregnancy or after childbirth. Other women may develop symptoms during menopause or after a diagnosis of diabetes.

Additional causes of urinary incontinence include urinary tract infections, bladder cancers, obesity, and a C-section or pelvic floor surgery. It is important for you to discuss it with your gynecologist so you can receive the proper treatment, even if you think you know the cause.

Treatment Options

Depending on the type of UI you have and the severity of your case, there are a range of treatments your doctor may recommend. If your case of UI is mild, it may be helped with simple lifestyle changes such as adjusting your diet, bladder training, pelvic muscle exercises, or avoiding caffeinated drinks. Treatments for more serious bladder control issues may include medication or nerve stimulation.

Greenville Women’s Care has a full staff of trained, approachable gynecologists who are familiar with methods to retrain your bladder, medications that may help, or surgical intervention to stop urinary incontinence from interfering with your life. Let us help you enjoy a worry-free life again. Feel free to talk to our doctors about anything – we can help. Call 252-757-3131 to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online.

Things You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Screenings, Detection and More.

Breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in women, affecting one in every eight women in the U.S. The goal of screening exams for early breast cancer detection is to identify breast abnormalities as early as possible. And if breast cancer is found early, there are more treatment options and a better chance for survival.

When breast cancer is found because there are symptoms, they tend to be larger and more advanced. In contrast, breast cancers that are found during a routine screening are more likely to be smaller and still confined to the breast. The two most important factors in predicting a woman’s prognosis with the disease are the size of breast cancer and how far it has spread.

A mammogram can find breast cancer before it can be felt. And although it is a good screening tool, it is not perfect. Combining mammography with a clinical breast exam and self-exams make your chances of identifying cancer even greater. Having regular breast exams can ease your mind, and early detection of breast cancer may save lives.

Below are five things to know about getting a breast cancer screening:

1. What is it like to get a mammogram?

A mammogram is an x-ray that takes pictures of each breast. Your breast will need to be compressed during the picture, which can feel tight and uncomfortable, but only for a few seconds. Some patients could be asked to come back for additional imaging if there are any areas in questions. Most of the time if you have been asked to come back, nothing more is needed except those additional images.

2. What kinds of mammograms are there?

Digital mammography is now routine in most places. Having tomosynthesis (a 3D mammogram) as part of your digital mammogram improves detection of breast cancer.

3. Why is a mammogram necessary if I don’t have a family history of breast cancer?

Most women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history. Your chances of getting breast cancer increase with age. Nearly 80 percent of breast cancers are found in people over the age of 50.

4. What if I there is a family history of breast cancer?

If you have an immediate relative diagnosed with breast cancer, especially if before the age of 40, you could have a higher risk. Your doctor can help you determine if you are at high risk for breast cancer or can refer you to a breast specialist. You should get an annual breast MRI in addition to mammography if you are considered high risk.

5. What if I have dense breasts?

Some women have what radiologists note as dense breast tissue. This is normal, however it can hide tumors on mammograms. If you’ve been told you have dense breasts, talk to your doctor or mammographer about having a breast ultrasound. Ultrasounds do not replace mammography, but’s it is an option that is available for additional screening in women with dense breasts.

We know there are other factors that can cause breast cancer. Certain genetic mutations, including changes to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, are associated with higher risks of developing breast cancer. Genetic testing can help determine if you carry these genes. Research also shows that there is a link between your reproductive and menstrual history and the risk of breast cancer, some of these risk factors include:

  • Early onset menstruation (before age 12)
  • Late onset menopause (after age 55)
  • Never having children, childbirth later in life, or not breastfeeding
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and certain types of birth control may have hormones that are risk factors for breast cancer.

Studies show other factors which you can control could lower your risk of developing breast cancer. Living a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity, limiting alcohol and eating a nutritious diet may be beneficial to your overall health. If you have any concerns regarding your risk factors for developing breast cancer, talk to your health care team.

At Greenville Women’s Care, we know breast cancer screenings, detection, and the risk factors can be very confusing. Our team of physicians and providers are here to not only provide you with your regular screenings, but to answer any questions you may have and keep you informed of changes in screening guidelines. We welcome your questions, so please call today to schedule your regular clinical appointment and mammogram, 252-757-3131!

The Birds and the Bees: What Does Being Sexually Healthy Look Like?

September is Sexual Health Month, and we’d like to start by defining what sexually healthy actually means. Sexual health is physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being related to sexuality and sexual acts. Sexual health requires respectful and positive approaches to sexuality, sexual relationships, and sexual experiences. To have sexual health, the rights of a person MUST be respected – meaning there is no coercion, discrimination, and violence, and everybody involved is safe.

Sexual health is not a one-and-done thing; it is built over a lifetime. As you develop into a sexually healthy person, you will begin to notice these characteristics:

Communication – being able to communicate and being receptive to desires, boundaries, consent, and non-verbal cues, interacting and communicating with all genders appropriately and respectfully.

Relationships – have relationships with no sexual agenda and take responsibility for personal boundaries; choose trustworthy, safe partners, where you can be intimate without being physical.

Self-Esteem/Self-Worth – appreciate and stay connected with your body; allow vulnerability; become comfortable with sexual orientation and gender identity; confidence is establishing boundaries; become aware of negative sexual experiences, their impact, and how culture influences sexual decisions.

Education – recognize the consequences of sexual activities; recognize the impact of cultural messages on sex and sexuality; understand positive sex can be integrated into life in healthy ways; respect boundaries and the right for people to enjoy non-exploitive, consensual sex.

Values – establish personal boundaries; respect others’ boundaries; are unthreatened by differing sexual orientations; show respect for all individuals who are different from them (particularly in terms of culture, ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, religion, race, and gender).

Body Autonomy – practice safe sex; promote healthy behaviors such as regular STI testing, check-ups, and self-examinations.

Achieving sexual health is about the journey, not the destination. It involves learning about yourself and becoming attuned to your body’s wants and needs. If you have questions or need assistance on your sexual health journey, that’s okay! Greenville Women’s Care is happy to help you however we can. To schedule an appointment with a provider, call 252-757-3131.

Common Questions About Breastfeeding

Everyone has different experiences when it comes to breastfeeding. Some people may love it, while others may find it painful. So how can you know what to expect? Greenville Women’s Care is here to answer all the common questions about breastfeeding!

1. When will my breast milk come in?

Milk production starts around the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and comes in stages. In the beginning your body produces colostrum, which is a special milk full of necessary nutrients and antibodies.

Around 30 hours after delivery, your milk supply will really begin. The change in your hormones lets your body know that it is time for it to make breast milk. Over the next week you may also notice changes in your breast milk. It will change from the thick colostrum to a creamier white milk and your output should increase as well.

2. How can I tell if my baby is eating enough?

All babies are different, but generally a newborn baby should feed 8-12 times every day, approximately every 2-3 hours. An easy way to gauge nutrition is to monitor your baby’s weight, wet diapers and bowel movements. If you notice your baby needs to be fed more often than that, they may not be getting enough milk, and you may want to consult your physician or pediatrician.

3. Am I producing enough milk?

For the most part, moms make enough breast milk to provide plenty of milk for their babies. After delivery, and once you begin breastfeeding, your milk output should also start to increase from a few milliliters to a couple of ounces around this time. If you’ve breastfed before, your milk production may ramp up more quickly. And, as breastfeeding decreases, your body will naturally start to wean production.

4. Is leaking normal?

Leaking is extremely normal and can sometimes happen just from hearing your baby cry. Typically, leaking occurs if you do not nurse around your usual feeding times, as your body is still prepared to breastfeed.

5. Is breastfeeding painful?

Initially, breastfeeding can be painful until you get the hang of it. If your baby is not latched correctly, or if you develop clogged ducts, it can be extremely uncomfortable. Mostly, breastfeeding is pleasant, and it is a great way to connect with your baby and comfort them.

6. How Should I Store My Breast Milk?

No matter how often you pump, keeping your breast milk protected for your baby is very important. There are many storage options: bags, glass jars, and plastic bottles. You should choose the option that works best for your breast pump, fridge or freezer storage space, and lifestyle. Remember, your milk can be left at room temperature for up to 6 hours, in the refrigerator for 6 days, and in the freezer for 6 months. If you store your breast milk in increments of 2-4 oz it will make thawing and warming times easier and can also reduce milk waste.

7. Health benefits of breastfeeding – for mom and baby

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mom and baby. Breastfeeding burns calories because of the hard work your body is doing, and even helps the uterus contract after birth. Breastfeeding is completely natural and a great source for nutrition, and it also lowers the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, adult diabetes, and osteoporosis. For your baby, breast milk is extremely easy to digest, is great for their immune system, and lowers their risk of ear infections, asthma, and allergies.

8. Recommended stages of breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding occurs in stages. It is important to speak with your doctor as to when the best time to transition to the next stage is. From birth to 6 months old, it is recommended to only breastfeed. By 6 months, it is time to slowly introduce solid foods while continuing to breastfeed until 1 year old. By then, your baby should be consuming a large variety of food.

We hope this blog has answered some questions for you. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding breastfeeding, ask your Greenville Women’s Care provider. Our physicians and Tess Garland, Certified Nurse Midwife, will be happy to answer your questions and prepare you for your breastfeeding journey.

What You Need to Know About Fibroids

Though fibroids are fairly common, many women don’t understand what they are or how they can be treated. The symptoms of fibroids can be extremely painful and often go undiagnosed because their symptoms are attributed to other causes. During Fibroid Awareness Month, we wanted to shed light on the symptoms, treatments, and risks of uterine fibroids.

What are Fibroids?

Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in or around the muscular part of the uterus and can range anywhere from the size of a seed to a grapefruit. Though fibroids are most commonly found in women ages 30 to 50, they can occur in women of any age. Studies show that nearly 80% of women will develop fibroids by the time they reach menopause.


Your symptoms can depend on how many fibroids you have and what size they are. Fibroids can grow as a single growth or in a cluster. Pelvic pain and pressure with dull aches or sharp pains in the lower abdomen is a common symptom of fibroids, but other symptoms may include:

  • Heavy menstruation and bleeding
  • Longer menstruation cycles
  • Constant urination
  • Constipation
  • Pain during intercourse.

Since many of these symptoms are attributes of other things, these symptoms often cause fibroids to be overlooked, ignored, or misdiagnosed.

Diagnosing and Treating

Doctors begin diagnosing fibroids by reviewing medical history, discussing symptoms, and performing a physical exam to determine the condition of the uterus and to identify any abnormalities. Fibroids can be treated or removed depending on your case. Anything from medications, ultrasound surgery, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery can be used to remove fibroids. Your doctor will review your specific case and inform you of your options.

Risks and Prevention

Some people are more at risk than others for developing fibroids. Factors that can increase your likelihood of fibroids, include:

  • Race – Black and Hispanic women are more likely to develop fibroids.
  • Genetics – You have family members who have been diagnosed with fibroids.
  • Environmental influences – Eating too much red meat, drinking alcohol in excess, use of birth control, or lack of vitamin D could cause fibroids.

Though fibroids are not necessarily preventable, studies have found that leading a healthy lifestyle can help manage or reduce your symptoms. These healthy habits include:

  • Eating a nutritious diet full of vegetables, fruits, iron, and fiber.
  • Exercising regularly .
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Avoiding too much caffeine and sugar.
  • Taking vitamin D supplements.

As always, it is important to speak to a doctor as soon as you notice abnormal symptoms or changes in your body. If you have questions or concerns about fibroids, Greenville Women’s Care is here to help you! Your health is important to us – schedule an appointment with one of our providers today!

What You Need to Know About CMV

Cytomegalovirus is a viral infection, commonly referred to as CMV, that is typically found in children and is usually harmless in those that are healthy or have strong immune systems. However contracting CMV while pregnant, if you have never had it before, can lead to dangerous and long-lasting illnesses and disabilities in your baby. Even though it is the leading non-genetic cause of hearing loss, only 9% of women are familiar with CMV.

How does it spread?

CMV is spread through contact with body fluid of someone who has or had the virus. You are most susceptible to CMV if you have children, work around children, or work in the healthcare industry. Those with weaker immune systems are also vulnerable to the many complications that can arise from CMV.

How common is CMV?

CMV is fairly common in children, and in healthy people, there are rarely symptoms. Up to 90% of people will be infected with CMV by the age of 80. Once you are infected with CMV, it remains in your body forever. For pregnant women who have never had CMV, contracting it can be extremely dangerous for your unborn baby, and lead to harsh symptoms and even lifelong disabilities.

How does it affect babies?

CMV permanently disables one child every hour. Babies who contract CMV typically appear healthy when they are born and can develop symptoms at birth or later in life. Symptoms can include yellow skin and eyes, enlarged spleen, and lung infections. CMV can also lead to disabilities such as seizures, hearing loss, and growth problems. This virus can be diagnosed through blood, urine, or saliva tests ordered by your provider. Though there is no vaccine to prevent CMV, some symptoms can be managed and treated through medication and infusions.

How can I prevent it?

To protect yourself and your baby from CMV, it is important to avoid contact with saliva or urine, refrain from sharing utensils or drinks, and kissing children on the mouth. Avoiding sharing items like toothbrushes and washing your hands frequently can also help prevent CMV.

It is important to understand your risk of getting CMV, symptoms it can cause, and how to prevent it. To find out if you have ever had CMV, or to learn more about the virus, schedule an appointment with your provider at Greenville Women’s Care, 252-757-3131.

Things You Should Know About Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition that can develop in women during pregnancy, usually around 20 weeks, or after pregnancy. This condition results in high blood pressure and can affect other parts of the body, such as the kidneys and liver. If the condition goes untreated, it can be harmful for both mom and baby. Here are a few things you should know about preeclampsia.

How common is preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is rising in the US and has increased by 25% in the past 20 years. Around 5% of women deal with preeclampsia each year. Typically, if caught and treated early, most women are able to carry and deliver their baby safely.

Are you at risk of preeclampsia?

It is not known what exactly causes preeclampsia, but there are some risk factors that may make you more likely to have it. If you have any of these risk factors, we encourage you to tell your physician.

  • You had preeclampsia in another pregnancy. And the earlier in that pregnancy that you had it, makes your risk of having it again higher.
  • You are pregnant with twins, triplets or more.
  • You have high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease.
  • You are overweight with a BMI of 30 or higher.
  • You have a family history of preeclampsia.
  • You are over the age of 35.
  • You had complications in another pregnancy, such as low birth weight.

Preeclampsia can affect not only the mom but the baby as well. Complications include seizures, strokes, bleeding, pre-term delivery, and organ damage. It is important to monitor your symptoms and go to all your prenatal visits  and contact your doctor if you become concerned.

What are the symptoms of preeclampsia?

The number one sign of preeclampsia is high blood pressure and left untreated can cause your kidneys and liver to not work properly. Here are some symptoms of preeclampsia:

  • Continuous headache
  • Blurry vision or light sensitivity
  • Severe nausea
  • Pain in your belly
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of your hands, feet and legs
  • Rapid weight gain

Sometimes, preeclampsia has no symptoms, or the symptoms are similar to regular pregnancy traits. This is why it is important to see your doctor regularly, have routine screenings, and monitor how you feel. Early detection can drastically reduce the effects of preeclampsia.

Are there causes of preeclampsia?

Unfortunately, preeclampsia has no identifying cause, and some people are just at a higher risk of developing it. Treatment can include close monitoring by a doctor and providing medications to counteract the symptoms. If you are in good health and at least 37 weeks, your physician may recommend delivering the baby early.

Because headaches, nausea, and aches and pains are common pregnancy complaints, it’s difficult to know when new symptoms are just part of your pregnancy or when it is an indicator of a more serious problem. If you have questions or concerns regarding preeclampsia, do not hesitate to contact your provider at Greenville Women’s Care to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Infertility

1 in 8 couples need help getting pregnant due to infertility, however, outside the doctor’s office the topic is rarely discussed. For this reason, there are a lot of questions and myths about infertility. During Infertility Awareness Week, Greenville Women’s Care is here to answer some FAQs about the topic.

1. What is infertility?

Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system that affects your body’s ability to conceive. It is defined as not being able to get pregnant after one year of having unprotected sex. According to the National Institute of Health (link to, one third of infertility cases are caused by female reproductive issues, one third by male reproductive issues and then the other third by unknown factors or both parties. Infertility is one of the most common diseases for people between the ages of 20-45.

2. What causes infertility?

In women, the most common cause of infertility is an ovulation disorder and blocked fallopian tubes. Less common are birth defects involving the uterus and uterine fibroids which can be associated with repeated miscarriages. Another key factor for women is age. As women enter their 30s and 40s their chances of conceiving decreases from 25-30% a month to 10% or less.

The most common factor in male infertility is when no sperm cells or few sperm cells are produced. It is also possible for the sperm cells to be badly formed or to die before they can reach the female’s egg. Lastly, in the rarest cases, male infertility can be caused by a genetic disease.

3. When is the right time to talk to a doctor?

In most cases, it is recommended that couples seek medical help if they have been trying to conceive for a year without protection. Exams of both partners are performed to determine overall health and physical disorders that could be causing infertility. The physicians at Greenville Women’s Care are here to help you and your partner determine the next steps in this process.

4. What can I do about infertility?

Infertility does not mean you will never have a child. Greenville Women’s Care can provide you and your partner with assistance, resources, and support during this time. Sometimes, hormones can stimulate ovulation. There are also surgical procedures that can remove blockages causing infertility. Whatever the case may be, our staff is ready to help you determine the next steps for you and your family.

The inability to conceive, along with the medical decisions that need to be made, can cause a great deal of emotions including anxiety and depression. At Greenville Women’s Care we understand this is a challenging time, one that needs to be approached with compassion and understanding. Give us a call to schedule an appointment with us, 252-757-3131.